Art of Community

Kyle Rogers

With a population of 1.7 million people, Broward County is larger than 13 states.  Our rich diversity of residents from different countries, different states, and different cultures contribute to fragmentation of our population and isolation of different groups within Broward’s 1,200 square miles.  Furthermore, with current trends of migration, sprawl, and increased mobility, many residents do not feel strongly connected to, or identify with, their communities.  It is vital for the future of Broward to implement strategies to solidify individuals’ connections to our county and to each other.

Art of Community Initiative

Through the Art of Community initiative (A of C), the Foundation seeks to be the catalyst for Broward to use art to bridge, bond, and build communities. Over the next five years, the three key results we seek to attain are the following:

           Result 1: People are connected through civic engagement that uses the arts to reach common goals.

           Result 2: Community problems are solved collaboratively using the arts to bridge different sectors.

           Result 3: The arts are recognized as essential to a strong community.

The following are measures that will demonstrate success on the above:

  1. Increase community involvement in efforts that advance the arts.

  2. New offerings exist that use arts to demonstrate measurable impact on community issues.

  3. Organizations across sectors and disciplines recognize the value arts organizations bring to the community through increased alliances.

  4. Optimal financial support enables the arts to thrive.

  5. The arts are publicly recognized as a tool for positive change.

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